Hospital with more than 1,500 beds
7 out of 9 internistic wards did not reach the reference value of 10 hand disinfections per patient day.

>NosoEx has been installed at one of that wards. There 19 hand disinfections per patient day have been achieved.

+ This is an increase of 27%.
Are the dispensers correctly used relative to each other? Dispensers in the patient room are more important than in the staging area.

>NosoEx could answer this question:
The important dispenser in the patient room is considerably less used than the dispenser in the staging area.

+ specific training for the health care workers
+ improve positioning of dispensers
Community hospital with more than 500 beds
In times of disinfectant shortage priorities need to be defined. Decisions have to be taken what dispensers are refilled more often with disinfectant bottles than others.
The dispenser usage is crucial for that.
>NosoEx highlights the most used dispensers. Consequently, priorities for refilling can be defined.