It is the goal of hygiene-related activities to break the chains of infection. This is especially relevant for vulnerable patients. One example are premature babies. These are in incubators at the neonatology ward.
Hand disinfection is important before and after every treatment. The compliance shall be analyzed by upgrading incubator doors and dispensers with NosoEx sensors. By doing so, incubator openings without hand disinfection beforehand can be identified. These data patterns can increase the understanding for transmission paths.

1 Neonatology ward
Patients at the neonatology ward are very vulnerable. Infection prevention is even more important. This basically means to interrupt the transmission paths. Persons, particularly their hands, are one transmission path.
Key question is:
When are the incubators opened without hand disinfection before?
2 Patient in incubator
The premature baby in one incubator is infected with a multi-resistant germ. The health care worker is doing a treatment at this patient. Afterwards he is going to the next incubator without a hand disinfection in between. This is a critical risk for the transmission of the germ.
3 Monitoring and analysis
Dispensers and the incubator doors are equipped with NosoEx sensors. Consequently, processes (incubator openings including duration, hand disinfections) can be automatically monitored and analyzed.